Complaints FormComplaints FormHomeComplaints Form Student Name: * Student Number: * Email Address: * Contact Number: * Campus Name: * SydneyPerth Select Your Course: * CPC30620-Certificate III in Painting and DecoratingRII60520-Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction DesignICT60220-Advanced Diploma of Information TechnologyBSB50420-Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSB60420-Advanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementCPC30620-Certificate III in Painting and DecoratingRII60520-Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction DesignICT60220-Advanced Diploma of Information TechnologyAddress: * Choose the option that best describes your Complaint. If your Complaint type is not listed below, click ‘other’ and describe briefly: * Non-Academic MattersAcademic Matters Non-Academic Matters: * Student Support Services (course application and enrolment processes)Facilities and Amenities classrooms/venue/grounds)General administration (fines and payments)Perceived discrimination, unfairness and injusticeBullying, harassmentUse or misuse of personal informationConduct of staff – non teaching staffOther Academic Matters: * Education and Training Programs (course structure and content, quality of teaching and course delivery)Assessment mattersConduct of teaching staff and/or other studentsAttendance procedures (where relevant)Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL applications)Student supervision (while in class, on vocational placement or practicum)Issues relating to authorship or intellectual propertyOther (please describe briefly) Other(please describe briefly): * What are the details of your Complaint? * What have you done so far to resolve your Complaint? * Declaration: * I have read and understood the policies and procedures related to this form before submitting. I acknowledge that the submission of false, incorrect or incomplete information will result in delaying the processing of this form.Signature : * Date: Upload File: Δ